Saturday, April 17, 2010


I’m so excited to share with you the latest and greatest news.
My first workshop will take place on May 20th.
Location will be the fantastic and most inspiring GenussIdee in Munich-Hardern, which will give eight participants a place during the workshop. During the three hours I will work together with each of the participants to personifying a vacation album (supplied by me) with the photos the participants bring to the workshop. It will be so much fun to see the different results.
Here is the page I made for the GenussIdee:

If you want to join us for the workshop, then please let me know under:

The other news is that my blog will be from now on bilingual, which means English and German. For those of you who speak both languages well, I just want to tell you, that most likely the text will vary a little, but it will be always the same subject.

Nachdem ich schon ein paarmal gefragt wurde, ob ich meinen Blog nicht auch in Deutsch schreiben könnte, fange ich nun damit an. Gleich vorweg, die Texte werden nicht Wort wörtlich übersetzt, da ich darin noch nie besonders gut war.

Ich freue mich Euch mitteilen zu können, dass ich nun einen Termin für meinen ersten Workshop habe und zwar den 20. Mai 2010.
Das passende Ambiente habe ich in der GenussIdee  in München-Hardern gefunden, welche Platz für acht Teilnehmer/innen biete. Während der drei Stunden werde ich zusammen mit den Teilnehmer/innen an der persönlichen Gestaltung eines Urlaubfotoalbums (Album kommt von mir, die Fotos bringt jede/r Teilnehmer/in selber mit) arbeiten. Ich freue mich schon sehr die unterschiedlichen Endresultate zu sehen.
Hier ist mal das kleine Plakat, welches ich für die GenussIdee gemacht habe:

Wenn jemand von Euch an dem Workshop teilnehmen will, dann meldet Euch bitte unter

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Too late

It’s two o’clock at night and I’m working on my New Zealand album and I just found out that it is way too late to do some journaling… I guess that happens if you get at 10 o’clock at night the urgent need to start with an album from your last great vacation…since I redid my work area over the weekend and I’m still in the process of putting everything back, my workspace is/was very limited, but I guess that is the challenge you have to take …blahh, blahh, blahh, oh it is too late for blogging as well…I hope you all have a great day. 

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Good Memories

I had really nice surprise. Last week I bought a different kind of laundry detergent (yeah I know really exiting, but there is plot to this story) and I admit I’m a person who opens the bottles to smell it and yes there were several which went right back to the shelf!!! So after smelling several I found one which my nose found acceptable. So I put the load into the washer and still nothing unusual here, then I put the cloth on the line and still nothing unusual there, but then I was folding the dry cloth and suddenly it hit me and I had to smile. I was thrown back in memories about 12 years. My cloth smelled like the laundry detergent Kim used in Pasco and suddenly all these memories came back. I mean small memories, nothing exiting, just normal day to day business like putting your close into the closet or climbing into a freshly made bed.
Isn’t it amazing that a smell can bring all kind of memories back in an instant! For example the elevator at my mom’s old work used to smell like the elevator at my grandparents house in Wupplertal, so every time I went to the dentist (or visiting my mom at work, which was at the dentist office) I had a flashback to Wuppertal and the childhood memories I have in connection with my grandparents. Needles to say that a visit at the dentist was nothing scary for me (ok like I said my mom used to work there to and so I know the dentist very well, but I like think that the good memories are part thereof). Oh, by the way they redid the elevator several yes ago and now the smell is gone…
Do you have any good memories in connection with a certain smell?

I hope you all find a lot eastern eggs and happy eastern.